Friday, November 5, 2010

Olive harvest at Caltech today

Vincent Van Gogh's Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun, 1889
If only! Damn, I have to work in Glendale and will miss this community harvesting of the Cal Tech campus olive trees. It's from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM Friday 11/5 (first day of Diwali too) and the event includes a Mediterranean-themed lunch and culinary demo and tasting.

I'm crazy for olives - all kinds - and go out of my way to locate new sources (I still remember the first time I spied the barrels of olives at Mr. Marcel's). It's just a bonus that "Olives, have oiled the wheels of civilization since Jericho built walls and ancient Greece was morning news."*

Though I'm missing this year's harvest I intend to use the brine cured recipe of Tom Apostol, Cal Tech Professor of Mathematics, as soon as I can lay my hands on some fresh olives.

My latest olive escapade involves a more recent obsession, Shikas peppers, hot orange Bulgarian peppers. Trying to work them into various recipes my most successful has been as part of this black olive tapenade.

UPDATE: Here's coverage of the 2008 Caltech olive harvest with lots of pics.
* Mort Rosenblum, Olives: The Life and Lore of a Noble Fruit

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